How To Shift Cupid’s Arrow On Valentines Day

I woke up today and immediately saw posts that read, “Why I HATE Valentines Day”….”Valentines Day Sucks”…and “Pakistan Refuses to Observe Valentines Day”.   It hit me….while to some, Valentines Day is a day of roses, chocolates and true love, there are others who suffer the pain of loss, depression and sadness on what is suppose to be Cupid’s coming out party.

So, to hopefully shift your perspective and give Cupid his day in the sun, here are a few tips to help make today EPIC even if you are lonely, broken and in search for the love of your life.

1. Live In The Suck Zone – I was once sent a Facebook post from an unhappy reader that said, “Staci, you SUCK and your positive outlook on life really SUCKS too!” (It was actually longer than that with more explicits, but the basis was, “YOU SUCK!” Very similar to the article I read this morning about “Valentines Day Sucks!”, consider this…..the SUCK zone of a tornado is actually VERY VERY powerful. In fact, it is where the magnetic force is strongest and therefore drawing all things into the tornado. Today, you will either repel love, happiness and generosity by having a repelling attitude of sadness, grumpiness, anger or even unforgiveness…OR…you can live in the SUCK zone. Be magnetic to the things you WANT to attract your way. You will attract that which you think about most. So don’t sit around brewing over what you DON’T like about Valentines Day. Think about what you want to have. Speak about your ideal life and become magnetic to the life of your dreams. (This worked for me so I KNOW it will work for you!)

2. Firehose the Day! Most people want Cupid to hit them with the magical arrow, but the scripture is so true….It is more blessed to GIVE than to receive. Pull out your arrows of honor, love, and compassion today and BE CUPID. Heck…go naked if you must and put on a cute floral wreath on your head, but don’t sit around demanding love…..BE LOVE. God IS LOVE. Be the vessel of God to someone else today and firehose them with everything you wish you had flying your way.

3. See The Shadows. – One day I was spending time with a very well known artist and we were talking about the ability to see beyond what most people see in order to create a masterpiece. They walked me outside and pointed towards a large oak tree and asked me, “What do you see?” I said, “I see a massive oak tree.” They said, “Good. Do you want to know what I SEE?” I said, “Yes”. They said, “I see a ray of sunshine hitting that limb and casting a beautiful shadow of 4 colors of grey onto the green grass that is kissed with morning dew.

Suddenly a new image was illuminated before my very eyes and I could see beyond the tree into the majesty of what God was doing in that very moment. 

Today, I encourage you to shift your perspective and see beyond the couple posts, the kisses and chocolate and the many FAKE images of perfect couples acting like life is perfect and realize, that you are the ray of sunshine in the “normal” of someone else’s life. When you have an attitude of gratitude for what you DO have, you can begin to see that the world needs you, wants you and is literally dying for your voice to be heard today.

Having just returned from Mexico and seeing so much poverty around us, I pray that you can truly see the blessings in your life and take time to BE CUPID to someone in even greater need today.




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About the Author Staci Wallace

As a highly sought-after speaker, thought leader, author, and expert in business psychology, Staci Wallace’s messages of uncompromising truth equip CEO's, influencers, entrepreneurs, and leaders in the marketplace to launch and scale purpose-driven, highly profitable lives and businesses that leave a powerful impact on the world. With over 35 years in Executive Corporate Leadership and over 25 in global ministry, Staci's desire is to support Kingdom Entreprenuers with tools that equip leaders and send them to the four corners of the earth.  Her distinctions in business success have enabled her to share the stage with five U.S. Presidents and many other high profile leaders of this generation as well as to be a featured "Life & Business Coach" for such shows as KTHV's Morning Show, NBC, ABC, FOX and is the current co-host of the "Fueled By Fire Podcast" alongside her husband of 25 years, Larry Wallace.

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