
Staci uses 26 years of leadership and Direct Sales experience to lead the #1 Fastest Growing and largest network in the Solavei Social Commerce Revolution.

Now, after only 20 months since its launch, Staci continues to lead Solavei as the top income earner and #1 trainer of top performers.  GREAT NEWS….She is looking for a NEW set of leaders to work with DIRECTLY and that could be you.  If you’re looking for a way to SAVE money, SAVE time, and EARN income on the things you already use every day, then Solavei could be your answer, and Staci can help you learn how to maximize its benefits.

orange arrow Be trained by the BEST and learn proven strategies that work.

orange arrowUse your phone as a profit center of residual income and begin monetizing your social activity.

orange arrowWork directly with Staci and learn how she has taught so many others to build a solid business online AND offline with sustainable growth and long term effectiveness.solavei app website

Solavei is a partner of T-Mobile, offering 4G Nationwide UNLIMITED Data, Text and Talk with plans starting at only  $29 per month…BUT THAT’S NOT ALL.   Now, your phone can be the tool that earns you CASH BACK across America with Solavei Marketplace.

Solavei’s CEO and Founder is Staci’s brother, Ryan Wuerch and together, they are determined to see MILLIONS blessed by the Solavei Mission of Generosity.  In just 20 months since launch, we’ve PAID OUT over $24 MILLION to our members and Staci would love to invite you to join her team and benefit, as well.

To Learn More About Solavei’s Reward Program, visit:
Staci’s Online Video Tour

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