Take Time To Sharpen Your Skills

There was once a Lumberjack competition between a young arrogant lumberjack and an old and quiet man. The contest began and the young man was determined to win on speed and agility.

As the day passed by, he grew more and more confident that he would win, noticing that the old man had to frequently stop and take breaks.

At the end of the competition, the young man was shocked to learn that the old man had won by a huge margin of cutting down 1/3 MORE trees than the young man. The young man walked over to the old man and asked, “How did you do it? You took so many breaks and I didn’t even stop once!”.

The wise old man replied, “Son, what you don’t understand is that on those breaks, in which you thought I was resting, I was actually sharpening my ax!   A well-sharpened ax makes for a LOT less work as it makes the trees fall fast!”

Are you giving time to “sharpen your ax”?  Take time to make sure that you are rested, sharp and on point for the destiny set before you!

About the Author Staci Wallace

As a highly sought-after speaker, thought leader, author, and expert in business psychology, Staci Wallace’s messages of uncompromising truth equip CEO's, influencers, entrepreneurs, and leaders in the marketplace to launch and scale purpose-driven, highly profitable lives and businesses that leave a powerful impact on the world. With over 35 years in Executive Corporate Leadership and over 25 in global ministry, Staci's desire is to support Kingdom Entreprenuers with tools that equip leaders and send them to the four corners of the earth.  Her distinctions in business success have enabled her to share the stage with five U.S. Presidents and many other high profile leaders of this generation as well as to be a featured "Life & Business Coach" for such shows as KTHV's Morning Show, NBC, ABC, FOX and is the current co-host of the "Fueled By Fire Podcast" alongside her husband of 25 years, Larry Wallace.

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