Visioneering Your Life

VisionWhat causes someone to believe in the impossible?  Have you ever wondered how some of the common inventions we live with today were dreamed up and brought to life? It’s all about vision!

This morning, I was watching my kids play a wildly successful game on their phone called Mindcraft.  Can you imagine the vision and tenacity it took to create the world’s first mobile game, Tetris, in 1994?   One can only imagine the hurdles the visioneers of Tetris had to overcome to create the code for such an idea, not to mention the research and resources needed to bring it to life. That first little game has opened doors for new technologies, app stores, and given new life to the way business is done around the world.

visioneeringThe evolution of great vision begins with a visionary leader willing to take risks in engineering the vision in their heart.  In his book, Visioneering, Andy Stanley, talks about how visions move from dreams to moral imperatives.  I like to describe it like this, “A visioneer is a dreamer who BELIEVES in their dreams so much that what once was an idea of what “could be”, becomes an imperative for what “should be”, and then moves into a deep conviction of what “MUST BE”.

It is at the stage of “MUST BE” that action begins to take place, research is done, resources begin to be acquired, and the plan is laid in place.  This is also the stage when outside forces try to stop the vision from thriving.  “It’s never been done before.”   “There are too many limitations.”  “If it was possible, someone else would have done it already.”  “Is it really worth the investment?”  “What if you fail?”

When a dream no longer becomes a wish, it then becomes VISION, or a deep hungering for creativity that can bring about change.  It is then that the visioneer begins to take action, make investments, creates strategic alignments, and begins the process of engineering the vision.

The ability to see past what IS to what MUST BE is the gift of leaders who are driven by VISION.  They hunger for change.  They long for better, more reliable resources, technologies, government, organizations, policies, and inventions. Visioneers are those rare dreamers who have moved beyond “hoping” for change, and who become the catalyst of change they want to see in this world.

Visioneers engineer visions that others would deem impossible. They take risk others walk away from.  They execute on the thoughts others consider good ideas.  They live with no regret because they took the mystery and gave it life.

God is the source of all great inventions and the giver of all wisdom.  When you pray for increase or creativity, do you follow-up with the BELIEF and effort to bring those things to life?  You are in divine partnership with God to engineer His ideas and bring them to life.

What are you visioneering in your life?  What is that moral imperative that you once thought “should” be, but has grown into something that MUST be.  What do you believe needs to be adjusted in this world so that life, as we know it, can flourish?  Is there something in your heart that you believe must happen for advancement to take place around you? 

If so, put on your vision goggles and your engineer’s hat and start visioneering your life..  Then, tweak that vision, invest in that vision, and be willing to grow with that vision until it becomes reality!

About the Author Staci Wallace

As a highly sought-after speaker, thought leader, author, and expert in business psychology, Staci Wallace’s messages of uncompromising truth equip CEO's, influencers, entrepreneurs, and leaders in the marketplace to launch and scale purpose-driven, highly profitable lives and businesses that leave a powerful impact on the world. With over 35 years in Executive Corporate Leadership and over 25 in global ministry, Staci's desire is to support Kingdom Entreprenuers with tools that equip leaders and send them to the four corners of the earth.  Her distinctions in business success have enabled her to share the stage with five U.S. Presidents and many other high profile leaders of this generation as well as to be a featured "Life & Business Coach" for such shows as KTHV's Morning Show, NBC, ABC, FOX and is the current co-host of the "Fueled By Fire Podcast" alongside her husband of 25 years, Larry Wallace.

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