Personal Coaching

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Online Brand Positioning

No matter who you are or what company you work for, the greatest brand you will ever represent on earth is YOU, Inc.  Your name, your image, your values, your message and your online presence have the potential to leave a monumental impact on this planet.  Are you positioned to be heard?  Is your personal or business brand maximizing the tools of social media to captivate and transform the lives of the lives of the people you hope to reach?

Whether you are in corporate leadership, middle management, ministry, or a mom-blogger at home with a passion to be heard online, you MUST have a strong online “social presence” in today’s search engine driven market.  Can people research your name, your brand and your products online and find you as  a leader worth following?  Staci’s ONLINE BRAND POSITIONING workshops help individuals identify their passion, develop a clear brand strategy and set a plan in place to create online brand culture that can be “found” by others.

 “ONLINE BRAND POSITIONING” Workshops and Hangouts with Staci Wallace
Contact us for pricing


1-on-1 Personal Coaching With Staci Wallace – $500/hr.

Staci’s deep passion and ability to “resurrect”  that which seems dead, dormant, damaged, or deliberately set aside is what has placed her in such high demand as a keynote speaker and executive life coach.  When a company, a marriage, a business, or a physical body is being resurrected, drastic measures are often necessary to bring revival, resuscitation, or new life.  After 26 years of bringing dramatic and sustainable change to the lives and businesses of individuals who have fallen asleep to their greatness, Staci Wallace has had to limit her 1-on-1 coaching to only those who recognize and are ABSOLUTELY dedicated to their need for change.  What that means is that the option for 1-on-1 coaching with Staci is NOT for passive dreamers or excuse driven-wannabe-leaders.

1-on-1 coaching fees with Staci start at $500 per one hour session and each session is specifically focused on the personal and professional needs of her clients.  For ongoing weekly or monthly packages, keynote speaker fees, speaker’s training, and corporate coaching, please send your inquiry to [email protected].

Individuals who have received direct coaching from Staci notice immediate results that translate into increased productivity, elevated confidence, clarity, certainty, effectiveness, and overall wellness. Staci is currently accepting new personal coaching clients on a VERY limited basis with pre-screening. To engage in 1-on-1 coaching with Staci, please email [email protected] and a representative will call you with more information.

Staci Wallace Website Testimonials

“Staci Wallace gives you a strategic game plan with clear instructions as to how you can capture, enjoy and benefit from God’s mission for your life. Staci will enable you to understand and believe that God can and will make something marvelous out of your life.”    – Zig Ziglar, Motivational Speaker and Best Selling Author

“For over 12 years, Staci has had such a positive impact on our company and events through each of her performances at our National Success Seminars. The energy, enthusiasm and passion she puts into her work has added immeasurable success to our events.”      -Peter Lowe, CEO, Get Motivated

“Staci posses a God ordained inner light which can be seen the moment she walks in a room. Her leadership style is one focused around being a servant, coach and friend. I’ve learned a lifetime of lessons from her in all aspects of my life – mind, body and soul. She has been a best friend, confidant and spiritual counselor to me in both good and challenging times. No matter where she goes massive success appears for those surrounding her. If I had to choose one person in the world to go into battle with it would be Staci Wallace.”    – James Leonhardt, Solavei Founding Leader, Social Networker & SCAC Member

“When I came to Staci, I was a wreck.  I was a Sr. Customer Service rep for a major mobile operator and my job created a lot of stress and negativity.  I weighed 330 pounds and was told by doctors that I would probably not live to see my 41st birthday. That is when I started coaching sessions with Staci Wallace.  I quit my job, moved across the United States, and risked all I had for the hope that God would use Staci’s coaching to bring significant and lasting change to my life.   I can’t even put in words the impact Staci’s coaching has had on my life.  In 17 months, I have lost 175 pounds.  I have a new sense of purpose, destiny, and joy for the future.  Thank you, Staci for not only changing my life, but for saving my life and helping me see that God can use the worst of my past to bring the best out in others!”     -Denise Gerrich, Sr. Customer Service Supervisor

“Staci Wallace is one of those people that comes in to your life humbly, yet leaves a massive impact in every area of your existance. She will bring out the very BEST parts of your mind, your heart, and your talents.  Staci has the gift of being able to push past your limits while simultaneously nurturing you in order to bring out your very best. That is a powerful combination that will help you achieve new heights that you may have never imagined possible. While she’s undeniably hilarious and insanely fun to be around, Staci is serious when it comes to business strategy; getting to the “heart” of what’s holding you back, and how to overcome the obstacles in your way. I thank God every day for putting her in my life. Staci has been my coach for a season, but she is my friend for a lifetime.   -Laura Wells, President of The Heartlink Network

“Staci is the type of coach who empowers leaders from her own history of experience and success.  Having been an elite athlete and sales leader, Staci knows what it takes to win championships and lead effective teams.  She empowers those she works with to move with consistent teamwork, servant leadership, and unparallelled strategy.  Though she has had tremendous success in sports, business and life, the quality that stands out the most is her heart, passion and love for people. Through our times of great victory and seasons of our greatest challenges, Staci stood faithfully with my wife, Claudia and I.  The wisdom she possesses continues to serve as a reliable source of mentoring, teaching and confirming in us the divine role and purpose we have in the marketplace.  We will treasure her friendship for life.   We thank God everyday for her life, her purpose, and for the access we have to her as a coach, friend and gift from above.”    – Ricardo and Claudia Gloria, Solavei Social Connector – SCAC Member

“Owning our own businesses has always been a way of life for my husband and I. We have learned the concept of working smarter not harder and have always embraced the reality of finding a duplicatable system that gives us the ability to own a business and not have that business own us.   We also share a deep passion for helping others and wanting to mentor them to learn the same principles that have brought us success. Through Staci’s coaching program and corporate solutions, we have tapped into the ability to take the knowledge we have and bring transformation into the lives of others.  Staci has shared business ideas and even products that have enabled us to create a new model of duplication for others.  Staci Wallace brings to the table a powerful coaching method that has allowed change to happen not only to us, but through us, in a way we can then pass it on to future generations.”     – Karen Imhoff, Sales Executive

“Staci Wallace stepped into my life and changed it forever. Her coaching empowered me to start my own IT business. Since then, my business has exploded, taking on such national clients as Holiday Inn Express, All American Fitness, Temco, and more. This past year alone, my business has grown over 100%.  I have married the woman of my dreams and am now a proud father of two precious kids. Words cannot express how thankful I am for her guidance, coaching and mentorship.” – Mike Rogers, CEO, CCMore

“I left home at the age of 13 and never had anyone teach me about money or how to manage it. Recently, our finances were so bad we had to give our vehicles back in voluntary repossession. Then I attended Staci’s Smart Money Workshop in Hot Springs, AR.  The concepts were so simple that it was like a lightbulb went off as I listened. During one of the homework sessions I found close to $1500. of waisted money that we are “bleeding” each month. Thank God for Smart Money and Staci Wallace.”    – Chris Dickson, Massage Therapist

“Today, I attended Staci’s conference. It was an extraordinary event that changed my life! I took my teenage daughters to the concert even though they said, “Mom, why are you dragging us to this?” Well, after we were there and when it was all over, they both had tears in their eyes. My 13 year old said, “Mom, I want to do better. I want to follow God’s purposes for my life.” All the way home, we listened to Staci’s Emerge CD and allowed it to sink into our soul. Thank you, Staci for your inspiration. – J.M., MOM

“Wow! What an amazing blog! I couldn’t figure out why I am suddenly obsessed with this site and this sums it up perfectly. I’ve tried for years to pursue my dreams, and I always got knocked down by something going on in my life and it quickly collected dust until I dared to pick it up again. Now I am really committed to launching my business.  It’s much harder to do things alone. When I log onto this site almost multiple times a day, it gives me that push I need to keep moving towards my dreams. Life happens, BUT when I get those encouraging comments from Staci and read the posts, I feel back on track to plow forward, and finish strong!  – Karl N.