In addition to your choice of product paks designed to stimulate your metabolism, enhance fat burning and curb unwanted cravings, you will also have the opportunity to be coached by Staci Wallace for 90 days. Discover the patterns and deep rooted emotions and mindsets that have kept you from living YOUR BEST LIFE. The UBC Coaching Program targets your LIFE and not just your body. Lose weight and KEEP IT OFF for good by digging deeper than JUST food and exercise. This program will teach you how you can eat more, exercise less, and find the emotional and spiritual power you MUST HAVE to maintain a life of harmony, balance, and physical wellness. CLICK HERE FOR MORE TESTIMONIES
- Learn to eat right for your blood-type and exercise for your body type.
- Learn to eat more thermic foods and never feel hungry or guilty again.
- Discover why excessive exercise can be sabotaging your desire to burn fat.
- Learn to walk/exercise in your FAT BURNING zone.
- Breakthrough destructive sleep patterns that sabotage your weight-loss or fitness goals.
- Discover the most powerful nutrients for your body and why a lack of them are KILLING you from the inside out.
- Discover how your past can empower your future.
- Identify your unique purpose.
- Recognize the power that words and thoughts play in weight loss and wellness.
- Uproot limited beliefs and destructive voices that have sabotaged your success.
- Overcome fear and personal insecurities.
- Create magnetic and energy producing relationships with your spouse, family, and children.
- Discover a spiritual connection with God that enables true healing and lasting freedom

“I lost over 62 lbs and went from a size 20 to 12. Through Staci’s coaching, I have been set free from fat and failure, but more importantly, I’ve gained my life back. The Ultimate Body Makeover Program changed my life – from private desperation to a complete transformation for me and my family!” – Christian Bearden, AR
 “The coaching I received by Staci Wallace through this program has not only changed my life, but it SAVED my life. 18 months ago I weighed 330 pounds and was told by my doctor that I had approximately one year to live. I was convinced that CHANGE was simply NOT possible. This program enabled me to not only lose 181 pounds in 18 months, but I did so WITHOUT ever going to a gym. I eat 5 meals a day, and I have COMPLETELY changed my life! – Denise Gerrich
To learn more about pricing, products and how to start your 90-Day Challenge, connect with Staci Wallace on FACEBOOK or click the green button below:

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