In each of us lies the seeds to be more than we thought we could be. This video is a short clip from the EMwomen(Empowering Women)”EMerge” Conference where I sang my best selling song, “Cinderella, There Is Greatness In You”.
When I wrote Cinderella, A Dream Come True, it was a miracle of sorts. I had just flown back from speaking on numerous stages in Trinidad and doing a massive concert. That day, at that concert, I felt led for the first time EVER, to tell my testimony of abuse, heartbreak and suicidal depression. I shared how God rescued me from a very dark spot and put me on a path to use my life and my voice to be a source of hope for others. There was such a powerful response of people stepping forward to escape their own bondage that night.
What happened next changed my life forever.
One young woman, came to the stage at the end of the concert crying almost uncontrolably. She said, “I came here tonight with this gun and the intent to kill myself after your concert. You see, I am 16 years old and I have been raped and abused every day by the men that live in my house. The shame and pain have been unbearable and the only thought of peace I had was in the thought of killing myself so I didn’t have to face it anymore. But tonight, your story has changed me. I believe you. I believe that if you can make it….I CAN MAKE IT TOO!”
At that moment, she surrendered her gun and a local church reached out to provide her hope, help and healing.
For many years, I was ashamed of the scars of my past. My hurt, my mistakes, my failures left me believing that God could never use me and that any hope of being a voice of inspiration to others was over. But God healed my heart and showed me HIS plan for my life. He showed me that He is not looking for a PERFECT vessel, but he searches the world over for WILLING vessels.
When I landed back in Canada after that trip to Trinidad, I pulled into a gas station to fill up my car. They were offering a FREE Disney book of your choice if you filled up at their station. I chose Cinderella. And as they filled up my car, I read that little paper book and thought of that young girl in Trinidad. As I pulled through the station’s car wash, I cried and asked God to turn my ashes into a story that He could use forever.
And that is when the words of this song came flooding out of my soul. What would normally take hours, weeks or even months to write a complete song, I wrote Cinderella, A Dream Come True in 12 minutes flat. It was as if I was merely holding the pen for a much bigger voice. To this day, this song has positioned me in more settings to speak and sing than any other song I’ve written. This song is what I was asked to sing at President Clinton’s Innaugural Prayer Breakfast. This song is what allowed me to sell THOUSANDS to the directors of Mary Kay Corporation and see thousands of women’s lives dramatically changed. This song has positioned me in some of the most amazing countries and rooms of influence I believe because it is a message of hope for the hurting.
I pray this message will help you recognize that God has a plan for you and YOUR STORY. YOUR BRAND, your message, and your life have the potential of leaving a monumental imprint on this world. There is greatness in you.
It is now my privilege to share this video with you. And if you would like to purchase the Cinderella song to enjoy anytime, please click the add to cart button below:
Cinderella, dreams do come true!
To find more of Staci’s music, please visit our product page!
Also, available in CD. Cinderella….a dream come true (CD)- Featuring the original song, written and recorded by Staci Wallace, the CD also features Staci’s heart touching testimony as shared at the popular “Cinderella Banquets” held throughout the U.S. Expect to feel the impact of God’s love as this CD was purposefully recorded to radically change your life and inspire you to believe in His dream for your life! Please visit our product page for more information.
As a highly sought-after speaker, thought leader, author, and expert in business psychology, Staci Wallace’s messages of uncompromising truth equip CEO's, influencers, entrepreneurs, and leaders in the marketplace to launch and scale purpose-driven, highly profitable lives and businesses that leave a powerful impact on the world. With over 35 years in Executive Corporate Leadership and over 25 in global ministry, Staci's desire is to support Kingdom Entreprenuers with tools that equip leaders and send them to the four corners of the earth. Her distinctions in business success have enabled her to share the stage with five U.S. Presidents and many other high profile leaders of this generation as well as to be a featured "Life & Business Coach" for such shows as KTHV's Morning Show, NBC, ABC, FOX and is the current co-host of the "Fueled By Fire Podcast" alongside her husband of 25 years, Larry Wallace.
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stacey says
May 4, 2011
HI Staci,
I had first listened to your song when i was about 15 years or so old and i danced to that song every mothers day. So funny that this sunday is mothers day and i was thinking of training the younger girls to dance to the same song and for some reason found myself searching you.What a powerful and awesome song.God Bless.. Stacey – Durban South Africa