What a precious season to take time and give thanks for the many blessings of our lives! As I sit here writing this email to the thousands of members of Solavei, I can’t help but thank God for the blessing of new friends, BIG IDEAS, family intimacy and the privilege to live in a country that offers us the chance to set our own boundaries for success.
Isn’t it funny how we put so much effort into a day, when, in actuality, it should be the season of lifetime. Nonetheless, this year, I am blessed beyond measure by the amazing joy to be a Founding Member of Solavei and a part of a cause worth celebrating. As I reflect on the many blessings of my life , I want to stop and say “Thank You” to the people who have helped me become the woman and leader I am today.
I Am Eternally Thankful For:
My Intimacy With God – I live, breath, work, sleep, dream and hunger to know that my life honors the one who gave me life. As the source of all I do and all I ever will be, I honor God as the ultimate Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of my life.
My Husband (Larry Wallace) – When you live with someone for 15 years, you know them like no one else on earth. That is why I can say, with absolute certainty, that I am married to the most incredible man I know and a leader worth following. His love, honor, loyalty, wisdom and leadership in our home, along with our faith in God, is what makes me wake up every day believing I am unstoppable and able to move mountains.
My Children (Payton & Alexia)- I remember the day I first saw their precious faces and I suddenly knew a depth of love that is indescribable. Holding them in my arms, I would sing, “You Are So Beautiful To Me” and could hear the voice of my heavenly Father say, “And that is exactly what I feel about YOU!” As my love for their daddy grows every single day, I can see how even our love for each other has enabled them to know LOVE and become role-models of that love, joy, peace, hope, and compassion for others. I see their father and THE Father’s love in them daily. I am eternally grateful to know that they are the seed of legacy God will allow me to sow into the future.
My Parents (Ron & Donna Wuerch) – I think back on all the years of sowing into my life and my heart overflows with gratitude for my mom and dad. What would I be today without their constant love, encouragement, wisdom and leadership? From daily vocal training, stage coaching, ministry insight and rigorous leadership development to never missing a single basketball game, sitting with me during competitions and all the times they held me during the toughest seasons of my life, I AM because they chose to believe in what could be. Though my Daddy is on assignment in heaven now, I can still hear he and my mother saying, “Get Up! You can beat this. Nothing is impossible for you can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens you.”
My Brother (Ryan Wuerch) – We fought, we played, we laughed, we plotted, we played pranks, and grew to see one another’s strengths in operation. What a joy this season of life has become as we have, now, parntered to change the world of commerce as we know it with Solavei! My heart is full of gratitude for he and my “sis”, Shawntel, for inspiring me daily to lead a revolution of change that will give opportunity for millions to experience financial change.
Zig Ziglar – Everyone has mentors who help form who they are in life. Since a child, my father spoon fed me the motivational books of Zig Ziglar. By 18 it became a goal to meet him and by 27, I was sharing the stage and a season of life with the man I would grow to call “Pops”. Today, he is no longer storming the stages of grandeur that were once home to his talents and passion for others. Instead, his stage of impact lies in the hearts of leaders like myself, who will gratefully carry the same message of God’s love to the marketplace and world.
The People I Call “MY FRIENDS” – Whether you are family, associates, FB peeps, Twitter pals or business partners in my life, I am deeply grateful for the joy of knowing that your alignments have helped me stay on assignment for 43 years now! (Wow! Did I just admit that?) From my infancy, I can see God’s strategic hand in the alignments of my life. You have prepared me for such a time as this, and I truly believe our biggest days are still ahead. Some of you have been in my life for a season, some for a reason, and some for a lifetime, but ALL of you have been on PURPOSE and are valued in my eyes more than you could ever know. Thank you for believing in me and celebrating this special season together.
Happy Thanksgiving!