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The Energy Demanding Power of the Word, "MINE".
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Category Archives for Health

Shut Off The Voices In Your Head

If you are human, breathing oxygen and living life on this planet then you have undoubtedly experienced the pain of having negative voices barrage your mind at one time or another. Today, I answer the question:  “Staci, how do I shut off the negative voices in my head?” Learn practical tips on how to take […]

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Finding Inner Peace In The Push

How can we FIND INNER PEACE IN THE PUSH of becoming our best in this world?  Is there a way to elevate above the emotions, frustrations, and anxieties of the pressures we face at work, home or in our everyday lives? John 14:25 –  “All this I have spoken while still with you.  But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the […]

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How To Raise Successful Children

How To Raise Successful Children People often ask Larry and I, “What is the secret to how your family is so unified and your kids seem so passionate about the right things?”   Well, it’s no secret really.  But in today’s show, I give you four things that MUST happen if you want to raise up God-fearing, successful […]

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How To Know Your Purpose

Have you ever wondered how to know your purpose in life?  Who am I, why am I here, what is my purpose, what are my talents, who am I suppose to reach and what’s been holding me back?  These are all questions that even the wealthiest of leaders still contemplate. “Efforts and courage are not […]

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        MISSION POSSIBLE IS OFF THE SHELF FOR GOOD! Before Zig Ziglar passed away, I had the opportunity to spend 12 years of my life sharing many stages together.  I learned so much from his mannerisms, character and the simple way he loved others through his passion to inspire marketplace leaders.  When […]

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  IF YOU….HE WILL Today, as I continue finishing the final details on my Mission Possible Book & Online Study, I am humbled to realize that God is always pushing me to get out of my comfort zone and asking me to CREATE.  It would be so easy to say, “I’ve done enough.”  Or even […]

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5 Reasons Why Reading Is So Important “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”  ― Dr. Seuss When I was a young girl I did NOT like to read.  In fact, I can only remembering reading one book in its entirety and […]

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Remember the movie “Finding Nemo” the seagulls chirped loudly saying, “MINE, MINE, MINE”. Recently I witnessed a similar event when my 15 year old daughter walked into the kitchen wearing her brother’s t-shirt.  He looked at her and said, “Hey, take that off….that’s MINE!”  Sound familiar? But it seems to be a trait that sticks […]

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